2019: Table of Contents | Finalists | Editors

bestmicrofiction 2019


Meg Pokrass is the author of a new flash fiction collection ‘Alligators At Night’ (Ad Hoc Fiction – the Short-Short Story Press, 2018), 4 previous flash fiction collections including ‘Damn Sure Right’ (Press 53, 2011), a novella-in-flash (Rose Metal Press, 2014) and an award-winning collection of prose poetry, ‘Cellulose Pajamas’, which received the Bluelight Book Award in 2016. Her stories and poems have been internationally anthologized including ‘Flash Fiction International’ (W.W. Norton & Co., 2015), ‘New Micro’ (W.W.Norton & Co, 2018), ‘Best Small Fictions, 2018 edited by Aimee Bender’, (Braddock Avenue Books, 2018), and the Wigleaf Top Fifty numerous times. Her microfiction, flash fiction and poetry have been published in over 320 literary magazines, including Electric Literature and Tin House. Meg serves as an International flash fiction contest judge, most recently judging Mslexia Magazine’s Flash Fiction Contest, 2018 Bath Flash Award’s Novella-In-Flash Competition 2017 and 2018, and the Bath Flash Fiction Award. Meg serves as Founding Editor/Managing Editor of New Flash Fiction Review and where she founded the Anton Chekhov Prize for Very Short Fiction. She recently moved to England, where she teaches flash fiction workshops and serves as the Festival Curator for Flash Fiction Festival, U.K.

Gary Fincke: Author of the forthcoming The Out-of-Sorts: New and Selected Stories and Winner of the Flannery O’Connor Award for Short Fiction and the Ohio State University/The Journal Poetry Prize, Gary Fincke has published thirty-one books of poetry, short fiction, and nonfiction, most recently, Bringing Back the Bones: New and Selected Poems, A Room of Rain: Stories, and The Killer’s Dog: Stories. Within the past year he has won three national book prizes, one in each of the genres of fiction, poetry, and nonfiction, including, most recently, The Robert C. Jones Prize for Short Prose offered by Pleiades Press.
An upcoming guest editor at SmokeLong Quarterly and frequent judge of national manuscript competitions, Gary’s stories have appeared in such periodicals as The Missouri Review, Newsday, The Kenyon Review, Black Warrior Review, and CrazyHorse. He has been twice awarded Pushcart Prizes for his work, recognized by Best American Stories and the O. Henry Prize series, and cited fifteen times in the past eighteen years for a "Notable Essay" in Best American Essays. He has just retired as the Charles Degenstein Professor of English and Creative Writing at Susquehanna University.

Guest Editor Dan Chaon’s most recent book is Ill Will, a novel. Other works include the short story collection Stay Awake (2012), a finalist for the Story Prize; the national bestseller Await Your Reply and Among the Missing, a finalist for the National Book Award. Chaon’s fiction has appeared in Best American Short Stories, The Pushcart Prize Anthologies, and The O. Henry Prize Stories. He has been a finalist for the National Magazine Award in Fiction, the Shirley Jackson Award, and he was the recipient of an Academy Award in Literature from the American Academy of Arts and Letters. Chaon lives in Ohio and teaches at Oberlin College.

Consulting Editor Robert Scotellaro has published widely in national and international books, journals and anthologies, including W.W. Norton’s Flash Fiction International, The Best Small Fictions Anthology 2016 and 2017, NANO Fiction, Gargoyle, New Flash Fiction Review, The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, Connotation Press, and many others.  He is the author of three full-length story collections: Measuring the Distance (Blue Light Press, 2012), What We Know So Far (winner of The 2015 Blue Light Book Award), and Bad Motel (Big Table Publishing, 2016), seven literary chapbooks, and several books for children.  He was the recipient of Zone 3’s Rainmaker Award in Poetry.  He has, along with James Thomas, edited the anthology, NEW MICRO: Exceptionally Short Fiction, published by W.W. Norton & Company, 2018.  Robert currently lives with his wife in San Francisco.  Visit him at rsflashfiction.com

Contributing Editors

Miles Bond writes short stories. Currently studying at the University of Edinburgh, he also teaches creative writing to kids and adolescents. He likes to read and climb mountains.

Steven John, Associate Editor, International, lives in The Cotswolds, UK, where he writes short stories, flash fiction and poetry. He’s had work published in pamphlets and online magazines including Riggwelter, Bangor Literary Review, Fictive Dream, Cabinet of Heed, Spelk Fiction, Former Cactus and the Stroud Short Stories Anthology. In 2017 Steven won the inaugural Farnham Fellowship of the Pen short story competition and in 2018 the Poetry Pulse Poet of the Year award. Steven is also the proud holder of a literary record - he’s won the legendary Bath Ad Hoc Fiction weekly competition six times!

Sherry Morris, Administrative Support, lives in the Scottish Highlands where she pets cows, watches clouds and scribbles stories. Originally from Missouri, Sherry writes monologues, short stories and flash fiction which have won prizes (Haunted Waters Press, Flash500, Bangor Literary Journal) placed on shortlists (TSS, Retreat West), longlists (VS Pritchett Prize) and been performed in London and Scotland (Liars League, The Space Theatre, Word on the Street festival). Her first published short story was about her Peace Corps experience in Ukraine. She tweets @Uksherka and occasionally posts on www.uksherka.com.