WINNER of the Bronze Medal for a book series in the 2021 Independent Publisher Book Awards
“Here is a single place to celebrate all the wondrous and wonderful bigness of the tiniest of stories. Best Microfiction is amazing. A great accomplishment.”—Grant Faulkner, executive director of National Novel Writing Month
The following stories have been chosen by final judge Amber Sparks to appear in Best Microfiction 2021. Congratulations!
- Cezarija Abartis, “Sisters” (Matchbook Literary Magazine)
- Sudha Balagopal, “P h i l t r u m” (The Dribble Drabble Review)
- Tyler Barton, “Eternal Night at the Nature Museum, a Half-hour Downriver from Three Mile Island” (Passages North)
- Sarah Bates, “The Dinosaurs that Didn't Die” (Pidgeonholes)
- Roberta Beary, “Shut Your Mouth and Listen” (The Phare)
- Garrett Biggs, “Parade” (Threadcount)
- Despy Boutris, “Burials” (The Roadrunner Review)
- Despy Boutris, “Forest Elegy” (Craft)
- Faye Brinsmead, “Rapunzel, let down your” (perhappened mag)
- Lori Sambol Brody, “I’ve Seen Bigger” (New Flash Fiction Review)
- Exodus Oktavia Brownlow, “It’s 5am-ish and my father tells me a story from his time in Singapore” (No Contact)
- Taylor Byas, “On Hesitation” (perhappened mag)
- Jonathan Cardew, “A World Beyond Cardboard” (Atticus Review)
- K Ming Chang, “Asymmetry” (Jellyfish Review)
- K Ming Chang, “Half Moon Bay” (The Offing)
- Ranjabali Chaudhuri, “Windows” (FlashBack Fiction)
- Anne Cooperstone, “Floaters” (Variety Pack)
- Noa Covo, “Ghoul” (Fractured Lit)
- Moisés R. Delgado, “There are Frijoles Pintos Lost Inside the Sofa” (Puerto Del Sol)
- Leonora Desar, “Some Meaning-” (Cincinnati Review)
- Leonora Desar, “Matt's Basement” (No Contact)
- Emily Devane, “Something Like Happy” (Lost Balloon)
- Christopher M. Drew, “When We Were Young” (Trampset)
- Epiphany Ferrell, “Places I Have Peed” (Miracle Monocle)
- Pat Foran, “What The Dreaming Town Says To You” (Tiny Molecules)
- Sarah Freligh, “Instructions for Cleaning A Mirror” (100 Word Story)
- Lauren Friedlander, “Alice in Voreland” (Okay Donkey)
- Jeff Friedman, “Lost Memory” (New World Writing)
- Jeff Friedman, “Not Everything Was in My Father's Will” (New World Writing)
- Frances Gapper, “She's Gone” (Wigleaf)
- Rosie Garland, “The Correct Hanging of Game Birds” (X-R-A-Y Literary Magazine)
- Scott Garson, “Junk” (Bluestem magazine)
- Marie Gethins, “Beating the Herring” (FlashBack Fiction)
- Christopher Gonzalez, “In the Aftermath of Hurricane Maria” (HAD)
- Charlotte Hughes, “Fairy Tale in Which You Date the Morally Ambiguous Boy in Math” (Monkeybicycle)
- Jason Jackson, “Of Photography and Truth” (Fractured Lit)
- Di Jayawickrema, “Cactus” (Matchbook Literary Magazine)
- Ruth Joffre, “A Girl Opens a Museum” (Pidgeonholes)
- Ruth Joffre, “What I'm Made Of” (Fiction Southeast)
- Jad Josey, “It Finally Happened” (Atlas and Alice Literary Magazine)
- Matt Kendrick, “a list of things that are white” (Fictive Dream)
- Tarah Knaresboro, “lilac bed” (Electric Literature)
- Kathryn Kulpa, “Roadrunners” (Milk Candy Review)
- Kat L’Esperance-Stokes, “A Short List Explaining Why I’m An Okay Person” (Newfound)
- Minyoung Lee, “A Desert Graveyard” (Trampset)
- Tara Lindis, “The Glowing” (Kenyon Review Online)
- Christopher Linforth, “Finale” (Whale Road Review)
- Cyndi MacMillan, “When Alice Became the Rabbit” (The Ekphrastic Review)
- Erinrose Mager, “Neighbors” (Wigleaf)
- Avra Margariti, “A Dog Like a Ghost” (The Baltimore Review)
- Avra Margariti, “The Clown King” (Milk Candy Review)
- Carson Markland, “Armadillo Jesus” (Smokelong Quarterly)
- Kathleen McGookey, “Three Postcards” (Ilanot Review)
- Frankie McMillan, “The Ringmaster's Boys” (Atticus Review)
- Sarah McPherson, “Ornithologia Corvidae” (Splonk)
- Rebecca Meacham, “Good Stretch” (Wigleaf)
- Bill Merklee, “Magic Bullet” (FlashFlood)
- Shareen K. Murayama, “Arrhythmia” (MORIA Literary Magazine)
- Hema Nataraju, “Tonight” (Atlas and Alice Literary Magazine)
- Elsa Nekola, “Hemiboreal” (Cincinnati Review)
- Darren Nuzzo, “Stranger Disconnected” (Okay Donkey)
- Nuala O'Connor, “Rehearsal” (Lost Balloon)
- Melissa Ostrom, “Red” (Matchbook Literary Magazine)
- Abigail Oswald, “Autopsy Report” (takahē magazine)
- Lee Patterson, “an essay about ghosts” (Milk Candy Review)
- Meghan Phillips, “There's a Trick With a Knife” (Okay Donkey)
- Patrick Pink, “The Book of What If” (Flash Frontier: An Adventure in Short Fiction)
- Claire Polders, “Stella Is” (The Mambo Academy of Kitty Wang)
- Regan Puckett, “Moon Watching” (FlashFlood)
- Xoşman Qado, “Streets” (Epiphany)
- Dawn Raffel, “City of Serena” (Big Other)
- Angela Readman, “Some Roses Only Need Pepsi” (The Phare)
- Noʻu Revilla, “Myth Bitch” (Anomaly)
- Matthew Richardson, “Foundering” (FlashBack Fiction)
- Sonia Alejandra Rodriguez, “Velcro Shoes” (Lost Balloon)
- Michelle Ross, “Mirrors” (New World Writing)
- C.C. Russell, “med(I)a” (takahē magazine)
- Sarah Salway, “Lilly” (Matchbook Literary Magazine)
- Pete Segall, “Fleas, Markets” (The Adroit Journal)
- Hibah Shabkhez, “Zastrugi” (Flash Frontier: An Adventure in Short Fiction)
- Shoshauna Shy, “The Anorexic's Mother” (Blink Ink)
- Rachael Smart, “Steep It the Colour of Hedgerows and Two Sugars” (Lunate)
- Grace Q. Song, “The Eternity Berry” (CHEAP POP)
- Andrew Stancek, “Just a Few Facts” (Boston Literary Magazine)
- Samantha Steiner, “My Closet” (Citron Review)
- Chelsea Stickle, “Postcard Town” (Cease, Cows)
- Hannah Storm, “Drosophila Melanogaster” (X-R-A-Y Literary Magazine)
- Jennifer Todhunter, “The Car Tag Kids” (Hobart Pulp)
- Cathy Ulrich, “And I Still Remember How Your Hands Were So Much Larger Than Mine” (Whale Road Review)
- Kara Vernor, “B is for Balls” (Okay Donkey)
- Elisabeth Ingram Wallace, “The Chorus in My Walls” (Okay Donkey)
- Najah Webb, “Ne Plus Ultra” (805 Lit + Art)
- Joyce Ann Wheatley, “When Mother Roasts a Chicken, She Shines” (A3 Review)
- Charmaine Wilkerson, “Far From this Howling” (100 Word Story)
- Evan Williams, “Ted” (HAD)
- Sophia Wilson, “Safe House” (Flash Frontier: An Adventure in Short Fiction)
- Francine Witte, “A Fingernail is Nothing” (Atticus Review)
- Francine Witte, “It's Ghost Time Again” (Cleaver Magazine)
- RP Wood, “Rejected Endings for Titanic” (Flash Frontier: An Adventure in Short Fiction)
- Benjamin Woodard, “Other People” (HAD)
- Jennifer Wortman, “Moon Pillow” (Fractured Lit)
- Lucy Zhang, “Code Baby” (Third Point Press)