“Here is a single place to celebrate all the wondrous and wonderful bigness of the tiniest of stories. Best Microfiction is amazing. A great accomplishment.”—Grant Faulkner, executive director of National Novel Writing Month
The following stories have been chosen by final judge Grant Faulkner to appear in Best Microfiction 2024. Congratulations!
- Laila Amado, “Banana” (FlashFrog)
- Mileva Anastasiadou, “A Bird Has Grown Inside My Throat,” (Atlas and Alice)
- Mikki Aronoff, “Kin” (Atlas and Alice)
- Abbie Barker, “Dog People” (Flash Frog)
- Alan Beard, “Snow 1979” (trampset)
- Brett Biebel, “Danger Proximal” (Pithead Chapel)
- Guy Biederman, “Coyotes, Pelicans, & Prisoners” (Six Sentences)
- Lindy Biller, “Paper Doll” (Gone Lawn)
- Nicole Brogdon, “Pastels” (Vestal Review)
- Melissa Llanes Brownlee, “Sacrament” (CRAFT)
- Kati Bumbera, “Lesson One: Simona” (The Disappointed Housewife)
- Myna Chang, “Blackberry Nights” (Cease, Cows)
- Myna Chang, “Hometown Johnnies” (Fractured Lit)
- Christine H. Chen, “Make Me Yours” (Ghost Parachute)
- Christine H. Chen, “Maxillectomy” (Pithead Chapel)
- Zoa Coudret, “A little martyrdom” (Moon City Review)
- Jon Doughboy, “Its Meanness to the World” (The Disappointed Housewife)
- Jon Doughboy, “Mulberries” (Your Impossible Voice)
- Alyson Mosquera Dutemple, “After Steady Work Dries Up, the Aging B-Movie Queen Reconsiders Fright Night” (Salamander)
- Allison Field Bell, “Tangerine” (Ghost Parachute)
- Alexandra Fössinger, “Father” (Full House Literary)
- Gapper Frances, “Bones, Only Bones” (trampset)
- Jeff Friedman, “Chopsticks” (Switch)
- Frances Gapper, “Bones, Only Bones” (trampset)
- Jo Gatford, “Lovesong for the 0% Finance King Size Mattress” (Stanchion)
- Kate Gehan, “Lucky” (Moon City Review)
- Lydia Gwyn, “Lace in Your Hands” (Centaur Lit)
- L Mari Harris, “Our Mothers” (Exposition Review)
- L Mari Harris, “Something Inside Us Rises Up” (Peatsmoke Journal)
- Sara Henry Paolozzi, “Exorcism” (Wigleaf)
- Yedidyah Herrero, “The morendo” (Flash Frontier: An Adventure in Short Fiction)
- Suzanne Hicks, “What You Keep” (MicroLit Almanac)
- Suzanne Hicks, “Reservoir” (The Disappointed Housewife)
- Jude Higgins, “Spinning” (FlashFlood)
- Keith Hood, “One Fell Off” (Vestal Review)
- Tiffany Hsieh, “The Punch” (Cease, Cows)
- Matthew Jakubowski, “Ghost Story” (Milk Candy Review)
- Pooja Joshi, “A Wednesday in Dhaka” (Ilanot Review)
- Audra Kerr Brown, “When the Cowbirds Come to Carry Your Sister Away” (The Disappointed Housewife)
- Frances Klein, “The Angel Gabriel Says It's Not a Booty Call If He Doesn't Have Genitals” (Peatsmoke Journal)
- Kip Knott, “Genie” (Wrong Turn Lit)
- Shih-Li Kow, “Sibling Parenting” (CRAFT)
- Louella Lester, “Past, Imperfect” (Cult. Magazine)
- Kik Lodge, “Mother Tongue” (The Citron Review)
- Andrea Marcusa, “U.S. Threat Forecast” (Milk Candy Review)
- Frankie McMillan, “Past Jack Koo's Shop” (Centaur Lit)
- Sian Meades-Williams, “Method for a Sunday roast” (The Prose Poem)
- Dawn Miller, “Culloden” (Fictive Dream)
- Laila Miller, “A tiny, tiny bit of beauty” (Flash Frontier: An Adventure in Short Fiction)
- Erin Murphy, “In Case of Emergency” (Ilanot Review)
- Christopher Notarnicola, “College Boy and the County Fair” (Lost Balloon)
- Thomas O'Connell, “9/11 in Owensboro, Kentucky” (Paragraph Planet)
- Judith Ohikuare, “Spin Cycle” (hex)
- Mandira Pattnaik, “In Leaping” (The Citron Review)
- Keith J Powell, “Contortionists” (Emerge Literary Journal)
- Ken Poyner, “Beautification” (Open: Journal of Arts & Letters)
- Ken Poyner, “Proof” (Open: Journal of Arts & Letters)
- Imogen Rae, “The Contortionist” (New Flash Fiction Review)
- Ruby Rorty, “Yarnidermis” (hex)
- Michelle Ross, “Counting” (MoonPark Review)
- Carolyn R. Russell, “1987” (Blink-Ink)
- Aaron Sandberg, “The Wives of Husbands in Space” (Flash Frog)
- Aaron Sandberg, “Breaker” (Lost Balloon)
- Saumya Sawant, “Dead Girl Summer” (Tint Journal)
- Angeline Schellenberg, “Giant Silk Moth” (50-Word Stories)
- Donna Shanley, “Marie-Antoinette’s Nose” (MacQueen's Quinterly)
- Beth Sherman, “October Again” (100 Word Story)
- Kelli Short Borges, “Parallel” (The Dribble Drabble Review)
- Kelli Short Borges, “Hive” (Your Impossible Voice)
- Sumitra Singam, “There Are Four Words for "You" in the Malay Language” (Milk Candy Review)
- L. Sovier, “Everything is Flat” (Janus Literary)
- Phillip Sterling, “Flemish Tavern” (100 Word Story)
- John Elizabeth Stintzi, “I AM NOT AFRAID OF TRANSSEXUALS” (manywor(l)ds)
- Kristin Tenor, “Pancakes” (Wigleaf)
- Félix Terrones, “Dictatorship of the Proletariat” (Ilanot Review)
- Eric Scot Tryon, “Last Seen” (Peatsmoke Journal)
- Eric Scot Tryon, “At A Roadside Attraction On The Brink Of Divorce” (The Forge Literary Magazine)
- Rebecca Turkewitz, “Flotsam” (Pithead Chapel)
- Rick White, “Stargazey Pie” (Splonk)
- Nan Wigington, “Not the End of the World” (NUNUM)
- Francine Witte, “We Walked Out of the Forest” (The Ekphrastic Review)
- William Kelley Woolfitt, “Buying Snowball Pumpkins in Athens, Tennessee” (Gone Lawn)
- Jen Wyrauch Edson, “The No Longer Girls (A Song Unsung)” (FlashFlood)
- Addison Zeller, “When He Heard about the Y2K Bug” (The Cincinnati Review)
- Elena Zhang, “There is No Gold Here” (Your Impossible Voice)